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Unusual place for an art show

Old Club Union    Club Union Dive

Just down the street from our apartment is the bombed out shell (courtesy of our invasion back in 1989) of Manual Noriega's old Club Union. While it sits waiting for a developer with a lot of money, this roofless structure has played movie set (James Bond), concert venue, party spot, skateboard park and diving platform for the kids - among other things.

Last night Jane and I walked across the street for an art show. Partially lit by torches it certainly was an unusual place to showcase high priced art. In addition to the art, the organizers had tables and chairs on the patio, a bar, and a jazz band for entertainment. In the cool night air we walked around and looked at the art, graffiti painted walls, vines growing out of the crumbling structure, and a great view of the city lights across the bay.

Torchlight Art   Little Short   Graffetti and Fish
City Lights

No purchases (little out of our price range) but it was a nice evening stroll.

Take care.
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