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St. Croix

Island Life

Sunset at Fredericksted
The perception - everyone sits on the beach, with the wind softly blowing through the palm trees, while drinking rum and coke. The reality - probably a lot more like where you live. People have kids in Little League and AYSO Soccer. We eat out at great restaurants and go to the Caribbean Community Theater.

Crucians (those who live on St. Croix) have real jobs, deal with crime and complain about the government. The weather is usually pretty good, if you don’t mind an occasional hurricane. No snow to shovel and no extreme temperatures (hot or cold) that others around the world must deal with. We have a mix of people, languages, food and music which makes this small island a fascinating place to live. Where “good night” is used as a greeting. Where any animated gathering of people is a “melee”. We have a “Jump Up” (street party) for just about any reason and the beer drinking pig at the Domino Club is a celebrity.
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